Band » Band Ensembles

Band Ensembles

Beginning Band

The GMS Beginning Band is made up of our 1st year band students. Beginner Band students meet in like-instrument classes and are put together as a band for the Holiday Concert, Spring Concert, and a festival performance. Beginner band students are expected to maintain passing grades and attend all rehearsals and performances for their band. 

Concert Band - 2nd Period

The Concert Band is a sub-non-varsity band made up of 7th and 8th grade students.  They perform at least three concerts and may compete in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Additional performances may include one or more festivals and school pep-rallies. Members of the Concert Band are expected to maintain passing grades and attend all performances.

Symphonic Band - 6th Period

The Symphonic Band is a non-varsity band made up of 7th and 8th grade students.  They perform at least three concerts and compete in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest. Additional performances may include one or more festivals and school pep-rallies. Members of the Symphonic Band are expected  to maintain passing grades, attend all sectionals, and attend all performances.  

Honors Band - 7th Period

The Honors Band is a varsity band comprised of the most musically and technically advanced 7th and 8th grade students. Membership is determined by audition, academic eligibility history, and overall performance history. The Honors Band performs at least seven concerts and competes in UIL Concert and Sight-reading Contest, TMEA Honor Band Competition, Peak Festival, and additional performances. Members in the Honors Band are expected to participate in the TMEA All-Region tryouts and Solo/Ensemble Contest. In addition, they are expected to maintain passing grades, attend all sectionals, and are strongly encouraged to participate in private lessons.